Thursday, March 16, 2017

Improve Your Eyesight Dramatically with a Natural Approach

They are two of your most precious possessions, but chances are, you take your eyes for granted. Most of us do.

Good eyesight plays a crucial role in your mobility and your enjoyment of life so it would certainly make sense to optimize your eyesight as much as possible.

Prevent Blindness America, a nonprofit organization dedicated to vision issues, estimates that 50,000 people lose their sight needlessly every year and that 80 million Americans are at risk of eye diseases that can lead to low vision and even blindness.

Changes in modern society has lead to most people being stuck in front of a computer or watching television for many hours. This is why there has been a dramatic increase in the number of people wearing corrective glasses and contacts. Our eyes are getting lazy but you can turn things around and discover how to improve eyesight naturally.

Certain cultures have a lower incidence of poor eyesight amongst their population. One of these countries is China where children are made to do eye relaxation exercises in the classroom that were devised over 100 years ago by Dr William H Bates. The Bates Method as it's commonly called, has been used world wide for over 100 years with amazing results.

Ways to Improve Your Vision

 One of the most critical components to helping improve your vision is to do eye strengthening and relaxation exercising. Exercising your eyes, when you are not straining the muscles in everyday activities, can actually strengthen the muscles in and behind your eye, which will allow your eyes to move more quickly, move in unison, as well as focusing quicker.

Raising and lowering the eyebrows several times in a row, squeezing your eyes shut tightly and rolling your eyes around in all directions, then opening your eyes and doing the same can help exercise these muscles, make them stronger and respond faster (and it feels good too).

One of the most popular exercises in Palming. Palming requires you to sit comfortably and cover your eyes with your hands, make sure you rub your hands together to create some warmth before covering your eyes.

Ensure there is no light coming through, if you see any traces simply imagine that it is completely dark. Focus on your breathing by taking slow deep breathes. Do this for 3 minutes at a time while you visualize something interesting.


Check out Amazon's selection of books about eye exercises.

 It has been proven time and again that people who do not get enough sleep at night can experience reduced and/or blurred vision, focus problems, and tired eyes. Your body heals muscles during delta sleep cycles, which may not even start until you've been asleep for at least four hours, so it's important to get at least 6-8 hours of sleep each day/night in order to heal muscles and that includes the muscles of the eye.

DON'T WEAR GLASSES This may seem counter-productive to good vision, but glasses and contacts actually can make your vision without the glasses or contacts worse. The eye has to adjust to how it sees when wearing corrective lenses, and this trains the eye to be weaker, because the eyes become dependent upon the corrective lenses to do their job.

Now, if you must wear corrective lenses to drive safely or have to wear them to work or read, then by all means do so, but whenever possible, do as much as you can without your corrective lenses, so that your eyes have to work themselves and learn how to let you see on their own, without corrective lenses.

 Sunlight is important to eye health and vision. In fact, in moderation, sunlight is absolutely essential to human survival, but it also helps promote good eye health too. Of course, you don't ever want to look directly at the sun, but during the light of day, especially at peak sunlight hours, being outside in the sun, you can clearly see that everything looks brighter, more colorful, and sharper.

Limit sun exposure, for obvious health reasons, but try to spend at least a few minutes in the sunlight each day for maximum vision and good eye health, and being outside in the fresh air helps your eyes breathe naturally too.

Sunning Method 
Try to do this once a day. It requires a sunny day, or a excellent quality desk lamp with an incandescent bulb. The implementation is unadorned. Close your eyes. Look frankly at the sun through your closed eyes. While facing the sun, at a snail’s pace rotate your head from side to side as far as you can. This gets the sunlight on the peripheral thought, and it helps bring more blood circulation to your neck. Do this for 3 to 5 minutes. It is incredible, even on a cold day, how warm the sun feels on your eyes.

Our eyes are not made to be fixated and focused on the same thing for extended periods of time. Naturally they are meant to zip around taking in our surrounding and not fixed on things like reading a book or a computer screen. Take breaks every hour and focus on things in the distance for about 30 seconds. Don't squint or strain simply look at things, overtime your eyes will be forced to become stronger trying to readjust to images outside your current vision levels 

LUTEIN Lutein is a natural plant carotenoid that is deficient in the average American diet. Found in higher concentrations in dark green, leafy vegetables, but can also be purchased as a dietary supplement, lutein has been shown to help with vision and also to help slow the progress of macular degeneration.
Foods Rich in Lutein: raw or lightly cooked kale, collard, brussel sprouts, garden peas, corn, zucchini, romaine lettuce, brussel sprouts, and broccoli.

Another simple method recommended for improving eyesight is to splash the eyes with cold water. Do this each morning and right before bed. The cold temperature of the water will cause the capillaries to tighten and the muscles will retract. This will help strengthen and tone the eyes, leaving them feeling refreshed.

Improving Eyesight with Food & Herbs
Feeding your eyes is the most important thing you can do to ensure good vision. The foods you eat contribute directly and indirectly to your continuing eye health, or conversely they can contribute to declining vision, eye disease, perhaps even blindness.

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, herbs, seeds and spices contributes directly by supplying certain vitamins, carotenoids, minerals and essential fatty acids to your eyes. 

Vitamins A, C, E and the B vitamins, zinc, selenium, chromium, magnesium, taurine, lutein, zeaxanthin, and omega-3 fatty acids are just a few of the nutrients which contribute to better vision. 

A diet loaded with saturated fats, processed grains and sugar lacks many of the antioxidants necessary for eye health, which will lead to a buildup of free radicals. It also creates substances that put your eyes at risk, such as arterial plaque, which leads to restricted blood flow through the blood vessels of the eyes.

Foods also contribute indirectly to eye health by doing such things as supplying substances that regulate your blood sugar, high levels of which are directly implicated in diabetes-related eye diseases and can increase your risk of developing glaucoma.
By feeding your eyes the following foods, you'll be providing excellent antioxidant support for your eyes.


  • Green beans 
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Chili peppers
  • Collards
  • Corn
  • Dandelion leaves
  • Kale
  • Leeks
  • Leaf lettuce
  • Mustard greens
  • Peas
  • Spinach
  • Squash
  • Sweet peppers
  • Sweet potatoes and yams
  • Tomatoes
  • Turnip greens

  • Acerolas
  • Apricots (dried)
  • Avocados
  • Blueberries and Bilberries
  • Cantaloupe
  • Guavas
  • Kiwis  
  • Lemons
  • Persimmons

  • Dill
  • Oregano
  • Parsley
  • Turmeric

50 Ways to Love Your Liver

Did you know that the liver affects nearly every physiological process of the body and performs over 500 different chemical functions? And that the liver filters over a liter of blood each minute? 

The liver is amazing organ that we take for granted. I'm sharing a great piece called, "50 Ways to Love Your Liver," by raw foodist Shazzie.

1) Never get jealous. If someone has something you want, then visualize you have either it or something better. You’ll very often get it and then your liver will be happier.
2) Eat your food raw whenever possible, and at least 50% of the time. Max Gerson claims all the C word diseases are a disease of the liver. His answer? Massive raw food abundance, of course.
3) Do castor oil packs. It’s a simple and very effective way to give love to your liver. All you need is castor oil, some old rags and a hottie bottie. You can find detailed instructions on the web.
4) Laugh. It’s a high vibrational technique that changes you on a cellular level, for the better.
5) Juice cleavers (also known as goosegrass or sticky willy). It’s great to resolve liver damage. It’s free in your hedgerows, and is perfect for picking right now. You could even use it as a wild pesto ingredient.
6) Do a gall bladder/liver cleanse. It takes a few days and isn’t recommended by everyone. I’ve done them and benefited greatly, though. I felt like a shiny new person afterwards. Find comprehensive directions on the Internet.
7) Eat garlic and onions. Their sulphur helps detox the liver.
8) Make a weak lemon drink when you wake up. Squeeze one lemon into a litre of warm water. Drink over fifteen minutes, then wait about thirty minutes before eating.
9) Eat beetroot or drink its juice. It helps your liver purify itself and makes your bile thinner. Just don’t freak out when you next go to the toilet. You are not dying, it’s beetroot!
10) Eat cruciferous veggies. They help your liver detox by stimulating enzyme production.
11) Cut down on cooked saturated fats. They don’t help your liver or the rest of your body. 25-30% of westerners have a fatty liver. Yum.
12) Cut down alcohol consumption. Try to drink no more than two days a week, and then be moderate. That means no binge drinking, but you wouldn’t do that would you?
13) Take milk thistle. It’s a great liver supplement, protecting it from damage as well as helping with detox.
14) Less caffeine, please. Check out the herbal coffees that are around. My next door neighbour uses herbal coffee (barley), adds some raw chocolate and a couple of fresh mint leaves from the garden, and then brings me a cup of it, as I’ve got no kitchen at the moment. That’s what friends are for.
15) Take zeolite. One of the most remarkable products ever.
16) Cut down on sugar consumption. If you want to eat something sweet, make sure it’s bound up in a whole food form or have refined sugar very very occasionally. Please don’t give your children sweets, that really is spoiling them.
17) Eat artichokes. They can double your bile production which removes toxins.
18) Eat bitter leaves at or after every meal. They help stimulate bile flow.
19) Eat apples. Their pectin binds onto heavy metals and helps them be excreted. This puts less load on your liver.
20) Eat walnuts. They contain the amino acid arginine, which helps rid the liver of ammonia.
21) Juice the spring thistles that are around at the moment. They’ll do the same job as artichokes and milk thistle.
22) Drink green tea, if it doesn’t make your teeth feel like nails on a blackboard. It contains antioxidants called catechins which prevent build up of liver fat and do something interesting regarding the C word.
23) Stay away from fried foods. Seems obvious but I wanted to write it.
24) Season your food with lemon, apple cider vinegar, onion, garlic etc. Never use table salt, especially if you’re a slug or snail.
25) Stay at a healthy weight. If you are overweight, your liver will be suffering. It can only do so much.

26) Eat more fresh ripe and raw wild or organic foods that haven’t been processed in any way. A high fibre diet keeps the liver healthier.
27) Don’t take paracetamol. If you need a painkiller, there are safer ones around than this liver destroyer. Never give it to a child, either.
28) Take MSM. Half a teaspoon a day for a month, then double it for the rest of your life. It’s liver love at its best.
29) Take enzymes with every meal to help digest your food. Take a break every few weeks, though.
30) Make sure you get all your vitamins and minerals, as a deficiency in some of them can inhibit your liver from detoxing. Take care with your B vitamins, iron, magnesium and sulphate.
31) Stand in a forward bend for a while. It will massage your liver.
32) Dandelion root and leaves are great for the liver. Current spring ones are great in salads or juiced.
33) Try dandelion coffee. It’s good on your liver and tasty, too!
34) Get on your trampoline or rebounder and move your body! Help that liver squeeze toxins out. Play with a child on a trampoline, it makes you laugh and get fit all at once. Now that’s health multi-tasking at its best. Regular aerobic exercise reduces fatty liver of the non-alcoholic variety.
35) If you have any type of hepatitis, look at vitamin C megadosing. Reports state you can cure it before the week’s out. You can find the protocols on the Internet.
36) If you don’t have hepatitis, you can still benefit from taking lots of vitamin C. 5g (5000mg) a day can help flush fat from your liver.
37) Resolve all your emotional issues. If you don’t, your liver will not be at peace. If you want to say something to someone, say it. Or write a letter, read it out loud to yourself and then burn it. Anything left unsaid, or unexpressed will eat you up.
38) Eat lecithin. I recommend about a dessertspoon a day, sprinkled on food or in a smoothie for normal health. Times that by 3-5 if you are using it to emulsify cholesterol (treat gallstones).
39) Avoid all high GI and GL foods, they cause fatty liver and insulin resistance, type two diabetes. No, that’s not what you want, is it? Out with the white rice, potatoes, bread and pasta. In with wholefoods. Well, I’ve only been saying that for 26 years…
40) The liver is our second largest organ, next to the skin. If you don’t keep it squeaky clean your skin will start to show symptoms. Clean out your liver and get special glowy skin as a great side effect.
41) Poo properly so the liver doesn’t get poisoned by a colon that’s not emptied out. Get your feet on a stool so you’re in a good squatting position and stay there until you’ve done the best poo ever.
42) Drink about five litres of water a day, but never more than half a litre in one go.
43) If you are angry, check out liver therapy. It could stop you exploding.
44) If you have arthritis, then your liver is too full. Alkalise yourself, do enemas and forgive everyone. Let it go. Go on, Doxtor’s orders.
45) Do a coffee enema. It smells great, you get a thrill and your bile gets dumped. What a clean out.
46) Love ayurveda. They say that the liver is the seat of the fire in the body. It easily heats up and causes inflammation. Look for special ayurvedic herbs to bring you back into balance.
47) If you eat meat, make it organic. You don’t want all those non-organic toxins being stored and processed in your precious liver.
48) Massage your liver by touching your feet. With reflexology, you have your whole body map at your fingertips. Find the liver reflex points on the outer edge of the right sole. Give it a good old rub whenever you have a minute.
49) Eat coconut oil instead of other fat, where possible. It doesn’t digest in the liver and reduces the strain on it.

50) Make love. If you have someone to make love with. Sometimes the Universe doesn’t give you the partner you want to play with so you just have to ask harder. It will listen and respond in the end. It always does, especially when you really know what you want. Get a clear mind and a clear liver will follow.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Common Asthma Medications

Unfortunately, the breathing disorder known as asthma is an incurable disease. The good news is that it can be effectively managed in ways that can enable those who suffer from asthma to live happy, productive lives. Here is an overview of the most common asthma medications and treatments with an explanation of how each one works and what they are designed to do.


The use of steroids and other anti-inflammatory drugs are the primary treatment prescribed for most people who have asthma. Steroids work by lessening mucus production in the airways of the lungs and reducing any swelling. This medication, generally administered by the use of inhalers, can dramatically reduce the negative reactions to asthma triggers and quickly relieve the symptoms. 


Like steroids, bronchodilators are usually taken by using inhalers. They are muscle relaxers that prevent tightening of the airways and help to keep the air passages open. Bronchodilators are especially effective in relieving symptoms such as coughing, wheezing and difficulty breathing. However, they are not designed for routine use, and if needed more than a couple of times a week may indicate the need for adjustments in the use of other asthma medications. 


Inhalers are the most common way of taking asthma medications, yet, it is not uncommon for doctors to prescribe the use of a nebuliser. These machines utilize a mask or mouthpiece and are often the most effective way to provide medicine to small children or the frail elderly. By changing medications into a mist form, it becomes easier to inhale. Here are some of the more common nebulisers on the market. 


This is a corticosteroid that is usually only prescribed after a serious asthma attack. Because there are possible side effects with long term use, it is seldom prescribed for more than about two weeks. However, it very effective and allows essential relief until an effective program of other drugs can be developed. 

Every Patient is Unique

There is no drug or combination of drugs that is effective with every asthma patient. However, with patience and experimentation, the right treatment program can be developed that will treat whatever form the asthma takes, whether it be mild or more serious. Today's arsenal of medical treatments can be effectively utilized in ways that will improve breathing and enhance the quality of life of virtually every patient. With the help and advice of a doctor, a targeted treatment program can be designed that will be tailored to make a positive difference in the life of anyone with asthma.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Zucchini and vegetable slice

I've seen lots of zucchini slice recipes, usually involving up to 10 eggs, heavy cream, lots of hard cheese and rashers of bacon making them tasty but only suitable as "sometimes" food. I have given these recipes the LGH magic wand to make a more nutritious option that you can eat more regularly if you wish. It's tasty and also versatile and can be eaten hot or cold. Add whatever you have in the fridge for a delicious summer meal.
My version had zucchini, carrot, onion, fresh parsley, dill, peas, spinach and red salmon - but this recipe has flexibility to use whatever is in your fridge!

 2 large zucchinis
2 large carrots
1 onion
a cup of whatever other vegetables you have handy (fresh frozen or canned) such as spinach, corn, peas, shallots, capsicum
fresh or dried herbs
1 cup of leftover rice or canned cannelini beans or chick peas for low GI energy
200g can red salmon (optional - consider adding diced tofu for protein if you are not a fish eater)
1 cup wholemeal self raising flour
5 eggs (whisked)
squeeze of lemon juice
1/2 cup grated low fat cheese

Preheat oven to 200 C
Grate your zucchini and carrots into a large bowl
Finely dice onion, herbs and any other veggies and add all into the bowl.
Add rice or drained beans and can of salmon, season with salt pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice
Mix everything well then add flour, whisked eggs and mix through
Sprinkle cheese on top
Spoon into a well greased cake tin /baking dish and bake for 30-40 mins or so until golden on top and springy. Slice into squares. Serve hot with a salad or vegetables, or cold .

Serves 8-10
Keep for 3 days in the fridge or 4 weeks in the freezer.

Bon appetit!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

3 Tips for Choosing a Career

Are you undecided about your future? Many people are. Even those who choose an industry are often left wondering if the grass is greener on the other side.

With the right consideration, however, you can find a career that's both profitable and personally fulfilling. Just be prepared to do a lot of soul searching. In that vein, here are three tips for figuring it all out.

1. Know Your Passions

What excites you? What motivates you? "Do what you love" may sound like a cliche, but if you want to find a lifetime career, it's extremely valuable advice. You'll be doing this thing five days a week until retirement. You should love it.

2. Look at Industry Growth

Jobs in the fast food business have different projections than bioinformatics careers. No matter where you decide to work, you'll want to know what to expect of salaries, market trends and advancement opportunities in the coming decade.

3. Get Some Experience

If you're on the fence about choosing a certain career, look for internships and apprenticeships that will allow you to "taste" the job before fully committing to it. You can also ask your professors and community leaders if they know anyone you can shadow at work.

Whether you're a corporate employee looking to change industries or just a high school senior trying to map out your future, you'll need to think carefully about your career options before making a decision. Good luck!

The LGH e-book is LIVE

So after three years of a Facebook page with 25,000 followers, two years of a blog with over 45,000 views and now dozens of people saying "I wish you would put all these tips together and write a book" - I did it!  The Lean Green and Healthy eBook has been launched and is so far proving to be very popular. 

This is a fad-free lifestyle manual for not just losing weight, but also gaining health.
Chapters include: 
Why are we all getting fatter? 
What diet should I be following? 
What does a balanced meal look like? 
What about sueprfoods? 
What about exercise? 
Motivation tips and a selection of my favourite recipes. 

To keep prices down I have published it as an eBook. You can get it on Amazon as a text only, or direct from me for a colour PDF - which you can read on iPad, iPhone, android (using PDF reader, ibooks or the kindle app) or on your computer. 

Hey, you can even print it yourself if you want to!

So if you want to join the happy LGH club and get all the tips at your fingertips, go to and order using credit  card, debit card or your PayPal account. Once payment is received you will be emailed the download link within 24 hours. 

The book is priced at $AUD 9.99 (which is around $7 USD) so I think it's a pretty good deal!

Have you already bought the book? Let me know what you think in the comments below. I'm excited!

Thanks for your support
Lyndal@ LGH

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Health Benefits of Tea

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but what if you can not find an apple? Simple drink tea. Mmm.. not so apt one. Anyway what I was trying to tell was that drinking tea is not that bad as it is thought to be.

I can already hear cheers from all the tea lovers. Well, its true and I have some valid reasons to support it as well. But before going in those details I would like to ask you one question.

tea Health Benefits of Tea

How many types of tea are there apart from Green and Black? I knew these would be the words that will spring out of your head. Any guesses?
Well let me take the responsibility of enlightening you on this. There are four main types of tea- Green Tea, Black Tea, White Tea and Oolong Tea.
Given below are some reasons to enjoy your cup of tea.
� Tea contains antioxidants which protect our bodies from the negative effects of pollution.
� The level of caffeine in a cup of tea is comparatively lesser than in a cup of coffee.
� Tea in itself does not have calories. So until to decide to add sweeteners or milk in your cup of tea it is a top calorie-free drink.
tea3 Health Benefits of Tea

� Tea increases the metabolism rate which in turn does not allow excess fat to mount up in the body.
� It reduces cholesterol level in the body and thus trim down the chances of a heart attack.
� Tea contains fluoride which helps to fight cavities and strengthen our bones.
� Tea reduces the risk of hypertension.
� Tea is also very effective in reducing the stress hormones.
� It enhances the immune system of the body. People who drink tea are less likely to catch cold and flu.
� The amino acids present in tea helps to improve the concentration power of a person.
� The antioxidants present in tea help to reduce the risk of cancer.
� Don�t forget you can always use tea bags to get rid of puffy eyes. After all both health and beauty are important.
� Tea is also great for removing strong odors like one coming from fish.
tea2 Health Benefits of Tea

So, now when you know about all these benefits I would suggest you to avoid adding milk and sugar in you tea. No matter how tasteless it may be but to reap all the benefits of these magical leaves you need to do it.

Online Master of Science in Nursing

Ohio University offers a master's degree in nursing that students can earn completely online. Individuals who already have a bachelor's degree in nursing will likely be drawn to a program like the one Ohio University offers. The master's degree gives students the opportunity to choose a specialty practice of nursing and qualifies individuals to be family nurse practitioners upon graduation. 

OU's online MSN, or Master of Science in Nursing, is specially designed for those who are actively working as registered nurses. There is nursing practice information that is based on evidence and case studies included in the main curriculum. 

An Emphasis on the Family

The family nurse practitioner concentration is designed to help students learn how to provide proper medical care for everyone in the family. A special emphasis on women's health is also included in the coursework as the health of the women in a family often leads to the well-being of children and other related adults.

There will also be extensive emphasis placed on the Affordable Care Act. Nurses will learn how important this act is and will encounter a number of possible scenarios in which the Affordable Care Act should be incorporated during coursework.

Education on Your Terms

The online programs allows nursing students to earn their degrees while working, as program administrators understand the demands of a nurse's schedule. It takes between 27 and 30 months for an individual to earn a master's in nursing with Ohio University's online program. All the coursework for the degree is done online, and there are clinical requirements that must be met as well. 

Ohio University boasts more than 40 years of experience when it comes to nursing education. The online degree program allows more nurses to further their education, as the virtual classroom can be accessed at the student's convenience. 

Since there have recently been updates in regulations, only nursing students who reside in the states of Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia are eligible to enter the online master's in nursing program. However, once nursing students graduate, they are not obligated to practice in these states. The university is currently working with other states in order to obtain authorization.

Do you like to colour in?

Colouring in for mindfulness and meditation is all the rage at the moment. I like to colour, but more than that I like to draw. So here's my colouring picture for today for you - I drew it while I was enjoying a relaxing cup of tea this afternoon. You can download and print the image to colour it in, or if you want the PDF come and join the Lean Green and Healthy chat group here on Facebook and you can download it from the files section.

Lyndal at LGH

25,000 Facebook friends

Today isn't just any Saturday night here at LGH headquarters- tonight we have had our 25,000th friend join us on our Facebook page. WOW! Thank you everyone for spreading the word about simple eating, home cooking and living a healthy lifestyle, about moderation, balance and making changes that last. Stop dieting, stop following crazy programs and all that self torture. Love yourself, be happy and just eat real food! Share with your friends and lets keep on spreading the word! 


 Lean Green and Healthy

Protect Your Bones

There are telltale signs that a woman does not have enough calcium in her diet. For instance, going to the dentist might reveal an inadequate amount of calcium in a woman�s diet. If a woman can see through the edges of her teeth, it�s an indication or an inadequate amount of calcium. In addition, the dentist may inform the woman that it�s easy to drill through her teeth. There are special toothpastes that have calcium in them to help rebuild teeth; however, it is far better for a woman to take calcium internally.

It is debatable whether getting calcium from milk is beneficial. There is an argument that the protein in milk and other substances can cause calcium loss and that the body absorbs very little from what is ingested. Various vegetables and legumes can provide better sources of calcium. For instance, darky leafy greens and beans provide a good source of calcium. There are other sources of calcium that can help provide the body with an adequate source, such as Calsura products.

The body is constantly building up and breaking down bone in the body to keep a steady amount of calcium in the blood. However, past the age of 30 people experience more bone loss than what is built up. It�s important to maintain a daily amount of calcium in the diet to avoid an exorbitant amount of calcium loss. This is especially true for women. Getting educated about calcium needs and meeting those needs can save many broken bones down the road.

Improve Your Eyesight Dramatically with a Natural Approach

They are two of your most precious possessions, but chances are, you take your eyes for granted. Most of us do. Good eyesight plays a cruci...